Energy Regulation |
- Targets under Renewable
Energy Certificate (RECs),
and Perform Achieve and
Trade (PAT) mechanisms
likely to get more stringent
in line with India's NDC.
- Additional investments become
necessary to improve specific
energy and enhance renewable
energy share.
- Effective measurement and
benchmarking our performance with
international best practices.
- Identification of energy conservation
opportunities through rigorous third
party audits and implementation of
the viable recommendations. During
2016-17, ITC has achieved savings
of 44.7 TJ over 2015-16 levels.
Fuel/ energy taxes and Regulations |
- Increase in fuel prices due
to higher taxes.
- Increase in fuel costs could
lead to higher product cost.
Weather events |
- Disruption in agriculture
yield due to change in
precipitation patterns.
- ITC's Businesses depend
significantly on agri-inputs. Any
disruption in crop yields will
result in greater competition for
agriculture commodities.
- Social investments made in various
programmes, such as soil & moisture
conservation, climate smart agriculture
practices and technologies, etc., reduce
dependence on rainwater.
- Extreme weather events
posing a threat to ITC
properties that are in
coastal areas and possibly
leading to disruption
in manufacturing and
- Disruptions in raw materials
supply, production as well as
delivery of product.
- Significant investments have been
made to strengthen measures covering
ITC manufacturing units located in the
coastal areas.
- Business continuity plans are in place
to compensate any interruption of
production by a manufacturing facility
due to extreme weather events.
Fluctuating Socio-Economic Conditions |
- Socio-economic inequality
is one of the major risks
that plague the world today.
Increased difficulty in
achieving equitable growth
and development in a large
and diverse country like India.
- Coupled with huge
disparity in incomes
and rising irregularities,
a period of significant
socio-economic turbulence
is foreseen.
- The low-income section of
population would be worst
affected by climate change and
may lead to further aggravate
the issue of socio-economic
inequality. Businesses having
dependence on agriculture
sector, which is source of
livelihood for nearly half of
population, may face challenges
in their supply chain.
- ITC's development models are based
upon deep rooted stakeholder concern
and provide the opportunity for
generation of sustainable livelihoods.
Such models unleash strong
drivers for achieving development
with social equity. With initiatives
like Sustainable Agriculture, Soil
& Moisture Conservation, etc.,
ITC has been working to develop
climate-smart agriculture. For
details on ITC's Social Investments
Programmes, please refer 'ITC Mission
Sunehra Kal' section of this Report.
Opportunities from Climate Change |
Potential Implications |
Management Method |
Changing Consumer Behaviour |
- Increasing awareness
towards climate change
to have an impact on
consumer behaviour - drive
for a product which is not
only cost effective but also
eco-friendly across the
supply chain.
- An opportunity to grow
businesses catering to these
demands by being a pioneer
in the field of sustainability.
- Major clients of our B2B
businesses like Paperboards
and Specialty Papers and
Leaf Tobacco already seek
disclosures on sustainability
issues. Meeting the customers'
requirements and expectations,
enhances the brand value.
- Continue to expand our initiatives
towards sustainable growth and
maintain transparency in disclosures.
- Developing products/services that take
into account the climate change related
parameters like LEED® certification
of all its Luxury Hotels, FSC certified
wood and ECF technology for paper/
paperboard production.
- Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies
for products/services to evaluate their
environmental impacts along the
value chain and take necessary steps
to make our products/services more
benign to the environment.
efficiency |
- Opportunities for
improvement in resource
efficiency, i.e. raw material,
energy, water, etc.
- Improvement in resource
efficiency would lead to overall
reduction in costs.
- Integrated approach of efficiency
covering all resources such as energy,
water, raw material, etc. together for
overall improvement.